We cannot teach anyone to become a healer that is a decision for the individual, we can share our experience from our own extensive journey that it may make your journey a little easier. The tutors will impart any information which your helpers and guides may want to you to know to assist in bringing you understanding regarding Your Healing Journey. It does not matter who you are it does not matter what you do what only matters is your intent to challenge yourself because if it does not challenge you it does not change you.
This is an 8 day course attended and extended over 8 consecutive months. The maximum of 10 attendees per course. Pupils must achieve attendance on all days. This course it to prepare the individual for their own healing experience to enable them to develop as a clear healing channel for energy to flow to the client to bring about ease in body, mind or spirit as is required by the individual as no two are the same one size does not fit all .
Healing will bring balance to the individual as external forces do have the potential to impact on our life journey. It would certainly simplify the work if we could place all such forces under one label but unfortunately its not that simple. The healing vibration covers a vast range of influences affecting our human journey and the level of consciousness affected by these forces covers a wide range of the physical existence. We are energy beings and we consider the universal laws, all is energy nothing is solid and there must be an equal and opposite reaction, bringing complete balance.
Energy medicine is so important to us all on this planet that it cannot be ignored, here for Eons and will be for more. Healers are very much needed within the world climate today and with the law of attraction we can create and understand the fundamental rules of vibration and Energy to change all lives. It is important to understand that everything is energy including our thoughts and everything has the potential to affect our energetic biofield, healing can help re align this for the best of our spiritual, emotional and biological self. This course will give you everything you need to become a competent healer.
- Day 1 Back to Basics
- Day 2 Your Healing Channel
- Day 3 First Aid
- Day 4 Anatomy and Physiology
- Day 5 Compliance
- Day 6 Healing for the Dying
- Day 7 The many realms
- Day 8 The final Day
Each day will require healing practice to be observed by tutors as well as discussion.
External tutors will be in attendance to give the most accurate information possible to the attendees.
Each pupil will need to provide relevant details of healings completed as are requisite to the course and will have monthly evaluations by tutors on the healing day.
The tutors will be available daily for assistance as required and can be contacted via phone text or E mail.
Healing course Details
Day 1 – Back to basics
Understanding Energy, what is it, where is it how do you use it?
- The development of self, what are you doing.
- Why do you want to be a healer?
- Circles and development
- What modality calls you, individuality
- Are you spiritually aware? do you Need to be?
- Healing Practice, what is yours?
- No Diagnosing, speak the truth
- Do not allow interference, emotions desires our own belief systems
- Further healing required 5 healing per month 2 must not be family.
- Meditation Practice
- Healing Practice
- much much more
This day will enable the development of self and the understanding of what is required of them throughout the months ahead. Discussion on healing modalities, the facts of healing, any questions they may have.
There will then be practical healing session for the rest of the day.
Each attendee will then be given a sheet to complete of 5 healings within the next month 3 of which must not be family. This is a monthly requisite.
Day 2 – Your healing Channel
- Discovering your pathway, you are a multi dimensional channel
- What sets your healing apart? as you are able to hold more energy healing evolves?
- What do you want to do?
- Cultures have strong beliefs, hereditary influences, you are what you believe
- You create who you are, your perceptions and encounters.
- Using Tools, drums, crystals, sound, colour
- You will go on google to find explanations? No… learn by experiencing YOUR path.
- Healing Practice
This day will be examples of other healings including sound healing from the wonderful Judy Le Besque a healer of many years that uses he voice to sound out the healing energy required. This will be a wonderful opportunity to use and experiment and t understand what will be required for your healing pathway.
This following month will each attendee will need to complete the required healing , providing results at the next course day.
Day 3 – First Aid
Today there will be a Emergency first aid at work course which is approved and officially certificated will stand for 3 years. This is held by a qualified first aid practitioner and will be invaluable for your healing practice. It is important for you to have the confidence to attend a client if they are experiencing physical problems.
Healing practice also completed
This following month will each attendee will need to complete the required healing , providing results at the next day.
Day 4 Anatomy and Physiology
Today will be covering Anatomy and Physiology as it is important to understand the physical body and how it works.
There will also be a comparison to the physical and the energetic body
Energy Systems
How does the mental and emotional affect the physical body?
Healing Practice
Day 5 Compliance
Insurance legalities, patient management, Animals, healing insurance, where, how and why?
The healers place within the world, NHS, volunteering.
Healing Practice is this for you?
This following month will each attendee will need to complete the required healing , providing results at the next course day.
Day 6 Healing for the Dying
Healing for the dying and hospice work. This day there will be a discussion to understand how to communicate and advise with death and dying.
There will also be healing practice after this.
This following month will each attendee will need to complete the required healing , providing results at the next course day.
Day 7
The many realms,
- lower energies, thought forms, energy entities appear in all manner and forms, Angelic.
- protection,
- emotion gets trapped, attachments
- future development
- Self Management
- creation of systems working overseas, benefits and Insurance.
This will be a day where there will be an example of use deeper energy to bring forth the healing. This is an exceptional opportunity to sample this healing modality
Healing Practice
This month will each attendee will need to complete the required healing , providing results at the next course day.
Day 8 Final day
- On this day all healing forms must be completed and signed by recipients and dated with contact details, these will be spot checked for validity.
- Details for insurance must be provided
- There will be healing sessions, that will be discussed by your peers present.
- Healing certificates will be issued to the attendees on ensuring everything has been completed, no days can be missed.
- What next?
- Healing discussion
Final healing showcase.
Examination by peers, discussion and certification.
The cost of this course is £1000
Payment Schedule
can be split into 3 monthly payments payable Month 1, 3 and 6
Once the course has be selected then you must attend all days to qualify so please do not apply if there is any doubt you cannot stay the course as this will deprive someone from attending. An application form must be completed before commencement.
Places are limited to 10 throughout. If an emergency circumstance causes you to non attend then continuance will be at the discretion of the course leaders. Normally continuance will not be allowed and will have to continue from the next course as every element is important. Lunch will be provided on all days.
This course will leave you equipped to start your healing Journey to help others, and yourself, the details are not exhaustive and there will be some surprises along the way, just to keep you on your toes. This is when the real work begins. This course will give you information to confidently give healing treatments to all. You will not find this learning in anywhere else the majority of this course is what we have observed and learned from healing professionally for over 10 years.
To Register your interest in the first instance please mail uksimplyspiritual@gmail.com or message 07712660696.
Contact for next course start date in 2022